Lost touch with friends
Why do people always say when you move that, "Oh, yeah, we'll be best friends forever, blah blah, keep in touch," and crap like that?
I mean, half the time, it's not CLOSE to true... It's really a cruel tease. I can't count how many friendships I've lost because I've lost contact with people. It really sucks if you lose the people you're close to just because of a frickin' move...
Consider this: you've lost people you know will sit and listen to your problems because you do the same for them. Now you're in a place where you're afraid to 'fess up to your feelings or problems because you may get laughed at. *Ahem* For a while there, you feel like you're in a place where you have to walk through the soap opera of life alone...
Once again, it sucks. Basically, I'm touching on this topic because I had an AIM conversation today that I'd talk about, but I don't wanna even hint at who it's about, seeing as he/she will know and be hurt, I think, if he/she really knew... I just need to get it out, ya know?
On a happy note-- I feel that got depressing there:
"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe-- I believe what I believe is right."-- George W. Bush, in Rome, July 22, 2001.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't help adding this. I saw it, and thought of the drama teacher at my school, because he is such a huge Democrat, and will spend time repeating bits of Bush's speeches and laughing at them... And if any of you Kerr people tell him I told you, I will find you....*Insert "Twilight Zone" theme here*
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